
A ridiculous Chindōgu utility prompt & CLI for fetching private releases & files from GitHub & BitBucket

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Jesssullivan/LeafletSync/main/LeafletSync --output LeafletSync && chmod +x LeafletSync && ./LeafletSync

LeafletSync: Do you want to load values from a file?

If so, enter one now...:[Nope!]:  

 _                 __ _      _     _____                    
| |               / _| |    | |   /  ___|                   
| |     ___  __ _| |_| | ___| |_  \ `--. _   _ _ __   ___  
| |    / _ \/ _` |  _| |/ _ \ __|  `--. \ | | | '_ \ / __|
| |___|  __/ (_| | | | |  __/ |_  /\__/ / |_| | | | | (__   
\_____/\___|\__,_|_| |_|\___|\__| \____/ \__, |_| |_|\___|  
 \                      _____________________/ |             
  \ Fetch from Github: /        α wιρ Σ ♥ |_@__Jess          
  \ Your API Token    | -t |  --token | Required | = <personal-api-token>
   | Your Handle      | -u |  --user  | Required | = <You>
   | Source Repo      | -r |  --repo  \ Required  \ = <RepoName>
   | Repository Owner | -a |  --author \ Required  \ = <TheOwner>
   | Release Version  | -v |  --version | Optional | = Fetch Everything
  / Output Directory  | -o |  --out    / Optional  / = ./dist/
 \ Fetch from BitBucket:  /                                     
   \  Your Handle       / -bu  /  --b-user  / ~Required | = <You>
    \ Your Passhrase   / -bp  / --b-pass   / ~Required / = <personal-api-token>
     \ Source Branch  / -bb  / --b-branch / ~Optional / = master
      \ Source File  / -bf  / --b-file   / ~Optional / = <Fetch Everything>

Your Handle [<You>]:

Source Repo [<RepoName>]:

Repo Owner [<TheOwner>]:

Host: GitHub | BitBucket [GitHub]:

Your Token [<personal-api-token>]:

Release to fetch: [<v0.0.1>]:

Output to fetch (e.g. /dist/*): [<dist/>]:
